Aerospace Whitepaper

PRECISION AND PORTABILITY AS STANDARD – Making the case for selective plating in aerospace: a technical paper.

Endorsed by Lee Benson, CEO of Able Aerospace Services, “Any new manufacturer or aircraft operator looking to safely repair aircraft components and lower cost is doing themselves a disservice by not considering selective plating for the right applications. The collective cost savings of our global customer base and safety record proves this.”

Using case studies and comparisons with other plating technologies, the paper clearly demonstrates the advantages of the SIFCO Process®, most notably the quality of its mechanical properties, the low cost of capital investment, its viability as an alternative to cadmium, and its ease and speed of use – including its on-site deployment in hangars and in the field.

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Related Resources

SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts is your vital resource for enhancing, repairing or refurbishing critical components through selective electroplating. The SIFCO Process® is the leading method of selective electroplating localized areas on components without the use of an immersion tank. We provide contract services, chemical solutions and equipment for surface enhancement to improve component performance, minimize downtime and reduce manufacturing costs. To learn more, choose from any of these related resources.